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UK Met Office warns carbon emissions must peak by 2020

"Keeping global temperature rise under 2C (3.7F) will be almost impossible unless carbon emissions begin to fall within a decade, analysis suggests."

Category: Climate Change


Mars methane 'not from meteors'

"Meteoritic material subjected to high temperatures did not release enough methane to account for the amount believed to be released on Mars."

Category: Space


New drive to harness wave power

"In the turbulent waters off the shores of Orkney, in the far north of Scotland, an array of bizarre machines is being deployed in a drive to harness the power of the sea."

Category: Energy sources


Battery made of paper charges up

"Batteries made from plain copier paper could make for future energy storage that is truly paper thin."

Category: Energy sources


UNEP maps extreme weather events worldwide

"From Atlantic hurricanes to Australian droughts, extreme weather events are more frequent and more violent"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 836 to 840 out of 2977